Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday Fragments

Just finished watching the last of "Live Free and Die Hard" I think it was, Bruce Willis' latest incarnation of fighting policeman John McClain. I admit it. I enjoy this series. I like his snappy comebacks in the middle of threats of personal and global destruction. But of course I know that it isn't real.

The real. Seven years since 9/11. And we said we'd never forget. What do you think? I think we did at least based on the coverage in the LA Times today. 3,000 plus people haven't had a life course because of pure evil. There are those who think you can negotiate with evil. Woe unto us should they hold sway.

On a cheerier note. I think. Today in LA managed to feel like fall. Dropped temperatures, clouds, a kind of gauze over the colors that just were summer.  Dark by 7. I always resist its coming on, the fall, loving the pervasive warmth of summer. I hear that we'll have some regenerated warmth this weekend.

Saw a movie this past weekend I thoroughly enjoyed. The only thing that exploded were some Napa Valley grapes. Really they were crushed, to make wine. It is the story of the California Winery, Chateau Montelena,


whose Chardonnay rated number 1 in France in 1976, and blew the myth of European (specifically French) wines were always best. It is also the story of the people in the middle of the fray, including a irascible, snobbish, but ultimately loveable wine expert who samples the Napa fare and finds the gem that changed the industry. Go see it. It really makes you smile this film. Called Bottle Shock. Word of mouth will make it profitable, in the small movie way. And anything would be better than Dark Knight. Talk about mass hysteria that people called that one the best of the year.


This weekend, our last Hollywood Bowl outing, Brian Wilson, Beach Boys' founder. I think I shall listen to his new album before I go, then I'll be familiar with the songs, which he absolutely will be playing in between the old stuff. I hope he'll do the old stuff.

And fireworks! Yippee. Later dude. 

Dora Agiotis,  Djinn Avatar.


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