Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tell the Lies Enough (about Palin) and Hope the American People Will Buy Them

Just noticed as I begin my journey to Circuit City, Supermarket, and ultimately, home, the headline on today's Los Angeles Times, to wit, "Defiant Palin comes out Swinging".  Well, I guess you could say that's true. Except the full picture is that she was swinging back at her nasty detractors when she had the floor, finally, at the Republican Convention. Then, the little header for the column says, "McCain's running mate shakes off controversy and mocks Obama in her speech introducing herself to the nation". Then under her picture:  "Debut:  Sarah Palin cast herself as a victim of hostile reporters and a scornful Washington establishment." She CAST HERSELF? She MOCKS? Dear dear. She responded to very real hostility and a scorn that eclipses any of which Clinton (Bill or Hillary) supporters bemoaned in days gone by. And she pointed out the frailties of her confreres in the Democrat party. What she did, is defend herself. And, yes, some of those defensive remarks included sarcasm directed at the people who have been mercilessly attacking and making pronouncements that make no sense.

Suddenly, liberal democratic women are saying that she should stay home and take care of the kids and not be bothering herself about this VP thing. I agree with Dennis Prager that a woman is only considered a feminist if she accepts the liberal democratic worldview. If a woman candidate of the Democrat party had five kids and a Republican suggested that she wasn't properly directing her focus to her wifely and motherly duties, there would be recrimination for that pool soul. Double standard. Double think. Double Speak. I'm seeing double. It's ok if you don't agree, but don't say whatever comes to mind and expect that no one is going to call you on it.

But's it's ok, I think you've overplayed your hands folks. Keep it up. A lot of the undecideds are deciding, and they aren't buying the lies and vitriol.





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