Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Smile

Don't know that Sarah Palin will be doing much smiling in the next days, weeks and months. It would be lovely if she could enjoy being the first woman ever on a sarah palinRepublican presidential ticket, but given that she was already being besmirched with the story of how she fired her brother in law the Alaska State Trooper and was under an ethics investigation even BEFORE McCain announced her, I am guessing that she will get little pleasure and lots of grief. Why anyone would want to run for public office, I sure don't know. There isn't anyone without something that someone wouldn't designate as a skeleton in his or her closet that couldn't be neutralized by an enterprising other side.

As to her "experience". I am less concerned with Barack Obama's experience than I am with his political positions and an abiding belief that he is a demogogue, the likes of which this country has not experienced, though other countries have, to their great misfortune. We think we are invulnerable to take over from "within". What was it that Krushchev or someone said, "We will bury you!". They'll use our democracy. They are. They have been. Mr. Obama is not alone seeded within the government. He is just the current incarnation. It seems I am now become my father in my prophesy of doom and gloom. Obama has the gift of Orwellian gab and half the country, intelligent people, no more or less than I am, are buying it. But IF I were concerned about experience, then my answer to those of the liberal democrat persuasion is this and it is not my answer alone: The Vice President can and often does, learn on the job.  One also might remember that Harry Truman was so out of the loop that he knew nothing about the Manhattan Project and the Atom Bomb until after Roosevelt died and he was taking his place. The President arguably has less wiggle room in that regard, is expected to take the reins upon the prior resident's vacating of the White House.

But back to Sarah herself. I don't exactly know what caused it, but when I read about Ms. Palin, after hearing the selection, I found myself smiling. A lot. I donated to McCain, something I had no great inclination to do before, though I planned on voting for him. Aside from the fact that I am more in accord with her political views, I think yes, it was risky, but she is not cut from the usual mold of politicians, male or female. She appears to be nobody's fool and in nobody's pocket. She is more articulate than any candidate I have ever seen, and I am hoping that she will blow Joe Biden (btw why are his old skeletons so happily back in the closet that were so well publicized in days gone by while Sarah is being so curiously focused upon by the media?) out of the water in their debate. I assume they will debate, unless Joe is taking Obama's tact and avoiding anything but canned conversation.

Of course, time will tell, and probably not much by the way information moves in this society and opinions run rampant. My opinion? Well, something about all this has me doing something I have never done before, openly stating them. I live in California and if you are not against W, and drilling for oil in the glaciers, and pro-abortion, you keep quiet at dinner parties, in movie theatres, at your office, well, pretty much everywhere where you'd think free speech would be allowed, that is, liberal turf. But no more, I hope. Sarah somehow has done that for me, one woman for another.

And anything I can do to keep her smiling, I'd like to. And if she needs a shoulder to cry on in these next weeks, as I am suspecting she will, as her opponents tear her reputation apart, I offer mine. And while I take issue with McCain in some things, he represents the America that maintains itself as a beacon of freedom and with her, let us hope no demogogue will prevail against them.

McCain Palin - Button




Anonymous said...

They might be getting some of my dough, too.,

Anonymous said...

I felt the same way upon hearing of Ms. Palin's selection. I had worreid that McCain was out of touch, too old, but selecting Ms. Palin shows I may be wrong. Everytime I hear someone say they support Obama, I have asked what does he stand for and have yet to get an answer. Suddenly there is a real contest  here and I am looking forward to the next few months. And you're right - how come no one is mentioning any of the Biden gaffes?