Saturday, August 16, 2008



First week-end back to regular life, after Honolulu. Errands. And some needed follow up at my father's apartment. My uncle has laid down new linoleum in the kitchen. The refrigerator which nearly burned down the place was removed. Today, I finished shredding years old bills of my father's, and thought how a life's manifestations fade. About three or four weeks ago, an old friend, reading my blog, opined that I was suffering from major depression and needed a psychiatrist. I appreciated his concern, however abrupt, but I have been in major depression  in the past thirty years, and despite my melancholy entries, this is not what I was experiencing. Grief, certainly. Loss, absolutely. When I was away, I kept thinking to call my father and let him know what was happening. I worried a little about his reaction to our mission of mercy. But it seems, given our long and close and sometimes conflicted, relationship, these feelings are not unusual.

Today, also, I made another quick visit to the cemetery. A beautiful day as seems usual there. A bird flew in the block, sitting, nearby on a flower holder, high up on someone else's niche, and spoke to me. It seemed to be a connection to Dad, one of many possible messages. The breeze caressed me as I walked about in the sun seeing who was new in the "neighborhood".

Time passes apace.



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