Tuesday, August 26, 2008



All these idle thoughts pop in and out of my mind.

... shown that random brain activity ...

As I drove home, there was a man wearing sneakers and a pork pie hat walking down the street.

                                   Pork Pie Hat

Why are these hats popular again? There was a book about the so called "Tipping Point" in events, trends, views, something that was not paid attention to that suddenly because of some group, or individual, becomes the cat's meow. Who wrote that book, Malcolm something. Anyway, back to the hat. Why that hat? Not the most beautiful of hats, but it is kinda what? Kinda cool. Kinda devil may care. Kinda, look at me, ma. Kinda everything old is new again.  Kinda whas' up, although that phrase is already outdated, tipping its way out of sight.

Watching an old Law and Order: Criminal Intent with Vincent D'Onofrio. He really has gone from lean to, well, not lean. I forgive him. I understand the problem, she said, having eaten far too many flour tortilla chips with fresh avocado tonight. But I wish he could do someting about it. I should worry about my paunches, and not his.

After 26 plus years in the same apartment without airconditioning, this year I broke down and bought a small one for my bedroom. What was I thinking before? Idiot.

I have been reading a book about sociopaths. They say one in twenty five people is a sociopath. My feeling is that in the legal profession, that the percentage is way higher. THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR. THE ...

Went to another HB (Hollywood Bowl) outing on Saturday. Donna Summer. She was great. But the real show was in the audience, in particular four girls in front of us who drank and talked (occasionally danced, or was it weaving?) through the show as if they were in a 1970s bar. One of them swung her arm in a moment of inebriated and joyful reflex and she it the woman next to her in the nose. But not too hard. The woman behind her flashed a little light in her face in an effort to get her to quiet down. She talked even louder in response. Oddly, none of these goings on detracted from the experience.

Admission:  Haven't watched one minute of the Democratic Convention. Further admission. I won't watch the Republicans either. I would watch an Independent Convention, if there were one. Maybe not. Is it possible for there to be a McCain-Clinton ticket? I might go for that, who'd a thunk it? I... print out the McCain-Clinton for ... apparently am not the only one.

If you don't have an Ipod, buy one. They're really cool. It's great when every song is one that you like. No channel changes necessary.

A friend sent me some pictures of her trip to Nantucket. I wished I could be sucked into the photos. Poof. What happened to the Djinn from the Bronx? Shouldn't a Djinn be able to do that, appear and disappear places? I got cheated. Or maybe I just have to cultivate the power of the Djinn.

The new Star Trek movie was supposed to come out in December 2008. I have the poster. But the date was moved to May 2009. I wonder if the poster is worth anything, not that I'd give it up. Just want to know. Yup, I'm a Trekker. That's Trekker, not Trekkie. And I have never been to a convention so I'm not really obsessed, right?

At work I got an automated call about some warranty on a car. Well my car is liketen years old, so that can't be, and I was annoyed that I was getting telemarket type calls in my office, yet. So they said "if you want to speak to a customer representative, press 1". I did. He asked for the make and model and year of my car. I said, "I have a question, first, who are you?" Click.

This was fun. I may meander again. But no more tonight!

Figure 2 Meandering river: Williams ...





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking me along on your meander - lovely way to wrap up the summer, softly touching a bunch of topics!