Monday, March 31, 2008

Through a glass, darkly

I read that this is one of the most written about biblical phrases. In this world, this one with death and suffering, and love and hate, and war and peace, and sincerity and deceit, we are as ones looking at a glass, a mirror, which is somewhat dark, and we really cannot see what is true, what is real. What is ideal.

Imity: through a looking glass ...

Our actions, my actions, are a mystery. The planned and the unplanned. At the very moment I am trying to be kind and caring, I am actually the opposite. I love and hate at the very same moment. How is that possible?

I am confused about what I shall do. And what I should do. And what I have done.

As I look into that mirror, the me I see is unknown to me, even as I profess knowledge.

I say "this and that is so", but in truth, I have no idea what is so, particularly in that everyone challenges my saying, more it seems to me than I challenge theirs, but after all, isn't that itself merely a perception or misperception?

Every step in in a sort of blind. And yet one must step.

Just some sad idle thoughts.


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